Monday, February 29, 2016

Do Not Just Dress the Part, the BRAND Matters!

Irvine, CA – You read it right! Dressing the part does not cut it anymore, the brand - your PERSONAL BRAND that is, matters a whole lot more.

It is true that showing up physically and making a good first impression is key.  However, in a digitally dominated world, to make a great lasting impression, you have to have a solid understanding of who you are, know what values you create and offer, and be keenly mindful of the total experience of your interaction.

Ask yourself…
  • Did you have a meaningful connection at work yesterday?
  • How would your most recent Facebook post affect other people?
  • Did your last call/text leave the other person better than before?
  • What underlying message was implied in your latest Instagram selfie?
  • Who had the final word in your last dialogue? Was it a put up or a put down?
  • What would be memorable to your child from last night’s dinner conversations?  

Memories are emotionally charged; they are etched in people’s hearts and minds based on the emotions felt during and after connections. These impressions are important career-wise as an entrepreneur, a leader, or a colleague, and even more crucial in personal relationships as a parent, a partner, a child, or a friend.  Whether in person or online, one almost always leaves a lasting “signature” mark on others.  Do you know how other people feel after interacting with you? Do you know your personal brand?

What does Personal Brand really mean? 

For an expert answer, I turned to Emma Tiebens, brand marketing consultant and author of Amazon’s bestselling book, Magnetic Memorable and Trusted.  Emma defines, “In its simplest sense, Personal Brand is the feeling or opinion that people have of you after your interaction with them. You constantly exude your Personal Brand whether you know it or not.  If you fail to consciously create that brand, people will automatically create one for you.” Our personal brand dictates whether we will attract or repel important people and opportunities in our lives. We all want a magnetic personal brand thus it is critical that we influence it, build it and own it!

Much easier said than done, right? Let’s break it down…

First, START by being genuinely interested in others and fully engaged during the interaction; seize the moment!

On a daily basis, Emma helps clients who desire more purpose and meaning in their lives, to identify their magnetic brand stories. Emma narrates, “The number one secret to having a ‘Magnetic Personal Brand’ is simple – show authentic desire to get to know others first.  Make them feel important and for that brief interface, make them feel like they are the most important person in the world!  How do you do that? By showing them sincere interest through an acronym I created, S.M.I.L.E. which is not just for an in-person interaction but is also highly effective online.

         S – Show Genuine Interest
         M – Make Eye Contact
         I – Introduce Yourself First
         L- Laugh and Be Silly
         E – Engage Fully

Often times, once people really know that you care, they will feel a sense of returning the favor by asking you how they too can support you.  It is very important to have a Personal Brand especially if you have plans of stepping-out in a big way in your life and career - if you’re wanting to meet the man or woman of your dreams, or if you’re seeking a promotion at work, attracting more clients for your business, creating a following of loyal advocates or elevating your position for potential collaborators and investors.” 

Second, this requires self-reflection, FOLLOW THRU by confidently opening up about your self, your brand. You want to be connected and remembered, not because of how you look or who you wear, but because your story matters.  In Emma Tieben’s free eBook (available at called “Unleash Your BRAND STORY,” she crafted a 6-pillar guide to reveal, create and, with poise, communicate your personal brand story. 

Here is a quick cliff note version…

Go inward for the first 3 pillars:

(1) HEART Brand - what do you love; what are your passions and interests?

(2) MIND Brand - what do you know; what’s your expertise or your mastery?

(3) SPIRIT Brand - why do you do what you do; what difference do you want to make in the lives of others?

Build outward for the last 3 pillars:

(4) SUCCESS Brand - have you helped others; what contributions and transformations have you created?

(5) INLFUENCE Brand - who have you associated with and vice versa?  Your network is your net worth.  You become who you surround yourself with so be selective.

(6) PLATFORM Brand - when people do a search about you, personally or professionally, what kind of images, videos, testimonials, articles etc. would they see about you? What is your tag line? When you present yourself in person…and this is when you want to dress the part, what collateral do you leave others with, i.e. business card, brochures, correspondence, etc.

Bottom line is, do not be someone that you are not. By being honest about yourself and truly interested and engaged in your interactions, you can effectively create a magnetic and reciprocal relationship. Accept who you are and know that your story matters! Build a true personal brand by loving yourself, loving others and loving what you do.

Personal brand creation is not a sprint, it is an on going development, much like a marathon.  Let us continuously self-reflect, evolve and grow deeper into our purpose.  And remember our personal brand magnets are always turned on and that there are two sides, the one that attracts and the other that repels. Do you know which side of yours is stronger? Let’s connect online, visit, LIKE and message “Chasing Sheila” on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram!

Shout out to brand coach Emma Tiebens, selected as one of only 6 speakers in the inaugural 2-day “Women of Wealth and Abundance” event to be held in Singapore on March 12-13, 2016.  Emma will be sharing the stage with Facebook’s former Marketing Director, Randi Zuckerberg, Top TED Speakers and other global movement makers.  Thank you for sharing your expertise and best wishes on your speaking engagement!

‘Til the next ish dolls. In the meantime, get your FASH on, keep styling and make a fashion scene!

